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Real World Applications Of Avians Turnstiles | ENGINEERING REVIEW | Manufacturing | Industrial Sector Magazine & Portal | Indian Industrial Information | Manufacturing Industry Update | Manufacturing Technology Update

Real World Applications of Avians Turnstiles | ENGINEERING REVIEW | Manufacturing | Industrial Sector Magazine & Portal | Indian Industrial Information | Manufacturing Industry Update | Manufacturing Technology Update

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Avians Turnstiles are mechanical or electronic gates with rotating arms that control access to a particular area. They are commonly used in various settings for crowd management, security, and access control.

Here are some real-world applications of turnstiles:

Public Transportation Systems

Turnstiles are widely used in subway stations, bus terminals, and other public transportation systems to regulate passenger entry and prevent fare evasion. Riders need to swipe their tickets or transit cards to gain access through the turnstiles.

Sports and Entertainment Venues

Turnstiles are used at stadiums, arenas, and concert halls to control the flow of spectators entering and exiting the venue. This helps ensure that only authorized ticket holders are allowed inside and helps manage crowd congestion during events.

Office Buildings

Many office buildings use turnstiles as a security measure to control access to the premises. Employees often use access cards or biometric identifiers to gain entry, enhancing the security of the building.

Gated Communities and Residential Buildings

Turnstiles are employed in gated communities and residential buildings to restrict access to residents, visitors, and authorized personnel. This adds an additional layer of security to these areas.


Airports use turnstiles to manage the flow of passengers in areas like immigration and customs, security checkpoints, and boarding gates. They help maintain order and security while ensuring that only travelers with valid boarding passes are allowed to proceed.

Amusement Parks

Turnstiles are commonly used at the entrance of amusement parks to verify tickets and control the entry of visitors. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures that visitors have paid for admission.

Educational Institutions

Schools, colleges, and universities sometimes employ turnstiles at their entrances to enhance security and control access to campus facilities. This can help prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the premises.

Industrial Facilities and Factories

Turnstiles can be used in industrial settings to manage access to sensitive areas, such as production floors or research laboratories. This ensures that only authorized personnel can enter these spaces.

Public Buildings and Museums

Public buildings, museums, and cultural institutions often use turnstiles to manage the flow of visitors and control access to exhibitions, galleries, and other attractions.

Healthcare Facilities

Turnstiles are utilized in hospitals and healthcare facilities to control access to restricted areas like patient wards, operating rooms, and laboratories. This helps protect patient privacy and maintain a secure environment.

Theme Parks

Similar to amusement parks, theme parks use turnstiles to regulate entry and ensure that visitors have valid tickets. Turnstiles can be found at the entrances of various attractions within the theme park as well.

Retail Stores

Some high-security retail stores may use turnstiles at their entrances to prevent shoplifting and control the number of customers entering the store at any given time.

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